Thursday, October 29, 2009

Week 10 -- Readings & Take aways & RELFECTION PAGE - Lesson 10

Web Theory An Introduction by Robert Burnett and P. David Marshall - Chapter 2-4 (page 23-80)

Chapter 2

(page 23)
Internet burgeoning supply of information; we are on overload of information both at an individual level and as a society.

(page 24)
Binary code=expressed in series of 1's and 0's

Digitization=original display analogue into binary code/allow for greater manipulation, non linear editing, =convergence of forms through computerization=digital language

(page2 25)
Cybernetics=a critical concept connected to digital binary/cyberspace/cyborg/greek means to steer

(page 26)
Rudimentary programming=series of sequences and feedback loops that are emulations of the cybernetic system.

(page 27)
Idea of machine being smart=exhibits elements of automation, series of decisions are made without human intervention

(page 28)
World Wide Web=a system entirely built from digital binarycybernetic in control and capacity to create elaborate feedback loop /graphical architecture/point/double click/navigate/hypertextual

(page 29)
Databases=link words or phrases with another/Boolean search/web search engines

Packet switching=moves digital signals from one server to another/then onto personal computers

=networks bandwidth

=web identification traces or crumbs are left on the personal computer and on the web site which identify where the person has been.

(page 30)
Downloadingload software or other digital information from WWW to computer

(page 31)
Interactivity=elaborate system of feedbacks that can respond to the requests and decisions of the user.

(page 32)
Hypertext=applets, avatars, knowing its users

(page 34)
Register=the web can be the source of very well recognized sources of information that rely on past media hierarchies

(page 35)
Network=a connection between key elements/points/units/relayed exchange among its elements

=shift in culture/now network in society

Spatial Dimension=how the network works over geographical areas and a temporal dimension/timeframe made possible by the network/how relationship to time shapes the networks use

(page 36)
Hub=of the Web is composed of those sites that are cabled to each other through the original

ISP Internet Service Provider
=network of networks/connection directly to hub

Loose audience=audience produced by the web/attached to a particular event or coverage/clicking engaging

(page 41)
Network society=envelops an are beyond even the nation state to express something truly global in its reach and impact

Post Industrial Society=exchange of information formed a new layer over the industrialization process that has occurred in Western countries over the last 150 years

Web Culture
=about proliferation and production of information and its accessability to be viewed and read

(page 43)
Globalization=network society

Chapter 3


(page 45)
Internet=network/convergence/loose audience/

(page 46)
Communication network=comprised of millions of interconnected computers that freely exchange information with each other worldwide

(page 47)
one to one model=when one person communicates to another

one to many
=mass media

many to one=computer mediated communication

many to many=GUI graphci user interface/anyone to be a sender or receiver personal or mass msgs

(page 48)
Intranet=Rogers (1986) 3 levels to communication:
face to face
many to many
one to many
interpersonal communication
group communication
mass communication/webportals/monologue

(page 49)

(page 50

(page 53)

(page 55)

(page 56)
Table of characteristics of Internet communication services

(page 57)
Tim Berners-Lee man credited with inventing the WWW


Chapter 4

(page 60)
we are moving from modernist calculation to postmodernist simulation, where the self is a multiple, distributed system
--Turkle 1996: 148

Technocultural hybrids=technologies of information and communication - media- in the broad sense of the term

Email=shape social and individual consciousness along specific lines, creating unique networks of perceptions, experiences, and interpersonal possibilities that help shape society

(page 62)
Web of identity=refers to the role that the Internet now plays in the construction of contemporary identities

MUDS multi user domains

(page 70)
Cultural production thesis=to organize that interpretation of the user and how it relates to but differentiates itself form how people use traditional media

(page 72)
Search engines=movements around the Web as browsing and hence web browser as both person and search engine software overlay




We are in overload of information. Internet overflowing with access to information and its getting harder to confirm facts on the Web. It has been determined there is a surplus of content and could be questionable information. Computer technology begins with an expression of codes which are ones and zeros that are transmitted into binary code. It is presented in a pattern of information then decoded and represented which is what we see on our screen, hence digitization.

Converting the code from analogue information into binary code allows for greater manipulation converging digital language. Cybernetics emgerges among this digital divide. Cyber has become a additive term referring to what the Greek call 'steersman' or to steer or self-steering.

The concept of machines being smart technology or artificial intelligence acknowledges the fact that automation has come full circle in the world of communication and information. Graphics, icons and text within windows as the user clicks/selects from an organized set of structured pages of information.

The World Wide Web was born out of the need for ultimate convenient form of communication. The architecture of ones and zeros, of words and graphics and it's elaborate structure was developed out of the birth of the World Wide Web. Search engines and database arose out of the need to organize all the information people were wanting to share on the web. Cookies and crumbs became necessary for tracking types of information analyzing it.

Users began to look at and search for all kinds of information on the web hence surfing the web was born. Then users began to download and save the information they found. Information Architects took notice of this kind of interactivity on the web and now feedback and comments can be sent and stored on websites.

Networking as social organizations and business interests was realized creating patterns of socializing and communicating so the web has become not only a place to find information but a place to exchange information and possible network connections as a society of people and businesses. Firewalls were constructed to help control information so now the free interchange of information was so vast, it needs to be controlled and monitored.

The notion that the web has an audience became apparent and prompted more structure to the architecture of sites, navigation, clarity of information, new media and expression of graphics, video and audio now called multimedia. Socializing on the computer (the web) now plays a significant role in the power of information. The Web is now a productive cultural force to be read, viewed, exchanged and displayed.

Globalization is synonymous with the webs network society. Communicating across the globe using the web in a virtual world of text and images is now just as powerful or more so than the actual phone call over a telephone.

Dialogues now can be not just between two people but what is now called many-to-many. Group interaction is available on shared networks and resources such as blogs, facebook, email, skype, web conferencing and websites. Synchronous (live interaction like skype) and asynchronous (like email) interaction occurs.

Emotional icons like emoticons emerged conveying emotions in a quick small image. Acronyms emerged and shortened blurps of communication. BFF Best Friends Forever.

A loose web filled with so many types of activities now defines the basis of communication on the web using all of the technologies that have emerged blending with personal or business sites.

Cyberculture web theory talks about virtual persona (like avatars and Second Life) and multi user domains, a phenomenon that could possible fragment our society. Simulated persons and content that create a larger divide between what is real and what is virtual is surmounting, invading our personal lives offline degrading our quality time with ourselves and families. Society is becoming more anonymous and less social in real life and more so online.

The web is engaging and productive in so many ways and society seeks such new virtual communications and is flourishing. Yet at the same time, society seeks to balance the online world with the everyday world.


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