Monday, November 16, 2009

Week 13 -- Readings & Take aways & RELFECTION PAGE

Holding on to Reality - Albert Borgman - Part II
pgs 55-120

Chapter 6

(page 57)

The Analysis of Structure

-natural info=natural signs as opposed to cultural info center on conventional signs=letters texts lines graphs notes scores
-cultural info shapes reality
(page 59)
-evolution of alphabet/letters/writing plays significant role/cultural force
(page 60)
-letters distinctive/representitive/fashion each mark/token to type
(page 61)
-Pluto thought that analysis of language into sounds or letters reflected reducibility of reality into elements

(page 64)

Synthesis of Structure

-hunting gathering/draw circles/shapes/rectangular patterns/lean tos/huts/geometry/bricks=turns into walls, platforms, stairs
(page 66)
-Pythagorean theory=agni's builders task
(page 69)
-ancient Greeks/geometry/arithmetic sep fields/circle to greeks=cup of wine

Chapter 7
Producing Information - Measures and Grids
-Plato hoped words mesh with structure of things

-Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus of 1921=idea was that sameness of structure would allow language and reality to engage one another like cogs so that the movement of one wheel would faithfully reflect the movement of the other.

(page 78)
Measures of Time
longitude/lattitude not helpful til clock was invented
-1st mechanical clocks-13th century
-technology and information helped progress reality
-clocks equalized days/work measured by time

(page 80)
Lines of print
-Durers woodcut of draftsman drawing of reclining nude/figure 10 page 81
(page 81)
-printed page/codex stack pages sewn together/writing and transmission of information
-typesetting was a labor=multiple copies
(page 82)
-maps/Kllosterneuburg near Vienna-charts/maps/ geographical reports
(page 83)
-global currency/measures/grids/ money moves toward universality

Chapter 8
Realizing Information


(page 85)


-process of converting instructions of a design -realizing information-paradigms
-reading/performing/building/abstract design come to life in concrete reality/world

(page 87,88)
-Intelligence=general skill of decoding signs and experiences are needed for words in question

Chapter 9
Realizing Information


(page 93)
Signification and Realization
-reading/contextual/text in turn enlarges context of readers reality by instructing them to place the actual world into possibilities

-Music/structure/score realized structure/a performance=disputed

-building=one time realization

Structure and Contingency

(page 98)
-signs make structure visible
(page 100)
-R Taruskin pointed out that performers work in texture of their time and culture=aim timelessly practice
-musical score reflection of its cultural environment
(page 103)
-Records submerge full structure of information more so than writing
-for score to become real=requires discipline/training=musicians give voice to music

Chapter 10
Realizing Information


(page 105)
Construction and Contingency

-building engages reality
-structure provides outlet for information/contingency is the wellspring-philosophers=Daniel Dennett, Richard Rorty and Scientists Stephen Jay Gould, Steven Weinberg

(page 110)
-older=consummation/happy completion of a task/could be work of art

Borgman really delves into a magical world of hard facts but soft descriptions concerning the reality of information as we knew it and as we developed over time being surrounded by it and penetrated by it. Even as early as we know of
natural information which comprised of natural signs as opposed to cultural information, the center on conventional signs morphed into letters, texts, lines, graphs, notes, and scores.

Borgman goes on to state that cultural information shapes reality. Clearly the evolution of our alphabets i.e. letters and writing plays a significant role and has a cultural force within our world of information. Letters are distinctive representations, each having its own unique mark or token which we have created into type.

Pluto thought that analysis of language into sounds or letters reflected reducibility of reality into elements. But as far back as the hunting and gathering times where we draw circles, shapes, rectangular patterns and used shapes to create physical things like lean to's and huts. We eventually morphed or text and signs into mathematical geniuses that once again transformed the way we lived such as geometry and the building of bricks which turns into walls, platforms, and stairs. Even the Greeks used geometry and arithmetic but within separate fields. They saw the circle as a cup of wine. Plato hoped words mesh with structure of things

Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus of 1921, his idea was that sameness of structure would allow language and reality to engage one another like cogs so that the movement of one wheel would faithfully reflect the movement of the other. Some examples of language becoming reality became grids and space, the clock and time as well as longitude and latitude but was not helpful until clock was invented. The 1st mechanical clocks were invented in the 13th century. These technologies and information helped progress reality. Clocks equalized the days events and work was measured by time. Durers woodcut of a draftsman drawing of the reclining nude was illustrating the distance, space and time of the reality of the actual model versus the flat plane page. The codex stack of pages were sewn together. Printed pages and the writing and transmission of information became more fluid yet laborious including typesetting where multiple copies were obtainable.

Maps lent themselves to geographical measures and grids while money moved towards universality. The process of converting instructions of a design became realized information and structures that come to life in a concrete reality.

Music transformed into structure such as scores which realized performance.

R. Taruskin pointed out that performers work in texture of their time and culture which aim timelessly via practice. A musical score is a reflection of its cultural environment. For a score to become real would require discipline and training by musicians in order to give voice to music.

Buildings engage reality in that structures provide outlets for information hence contingency is the wellspring for structure. Philosophers such as Daniel Dennett, Richard Rorty and Scientists Stephen Jay Gould, Steven Weinberg write notable on this subject.

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