Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Week 6 - Review Websites




This is an excellent IA resource center. Review 3 content items of your choice.
1. I enjoyed reading about the workshop Sketch/Design/Make... really all artists that work with marketing and other similar groups make these kinds of storyboards of ideas. These sketches in a storyboard layout are discussed, visualized and worked out by teams of people who are all working together to approve the ideas as final so that the item can come to fruition. It is good to see that even IA's use this technique as well.
2.I liked the language translations available... good to know that this site is being used worldwide. Great access!
3.I didn't like the teeny tiny font used down on the left side...hard to read!!!!!

Information Architecture Research (Peter Morville, Semantic Studios) http://semanticstudios.com/publications/semantics/000030.php - read Peter's summary of important IA research topics.

Review at least one link from each research topic.

-Metaphors We Surf the Web By by Paul Maglio and Teenie Matlock (1998)

This article covers the use of language on the web. Click, go, look through search are all metaphors for actions taken on the site that takes the users to the next step in the task they are performing. This verb coding scheme is used inside action or outside action but work for the user to easily move between content and components.

-An Update on Breadth vs. Depth by Kath Straub and Susan Weinschenk (2003)

This article is debating the debate over go shallow or deep when it comes to the menu of the site. It is determined that the number of clicks it takes for the user to get from point A to B depending on the task and information the user needs will make the shallow or deep menu debatable. It is preferred to make a the user click as little as possible... rule of thumb less is more....will it be too deep or too broad to the user...effective sub grouping and clear labels of the content intent will help the user best.

-Faceted Metadata for Image Search and Browsing by Ping Yee, Kirsten Swearingen, Kevin Li, and Marti Hearst (2003)

This paper describes the two common ways to search images: by keyword or similar to sample images. Hierchal faceted metadata helps generate query previews of images and determined that category based approach is preferable among searchers. I personally type in keyword but I also expect images at the same time


Media 7 is a great site!

This is a real world example of an Information Architecture focused design studio. I love the way this site is laid out. Lots of white space allowing for simple graphics that takes you to the sections they are covering/information.
It's like a portfolio of work he has done...I did notice the marketing struggle like info...love the icons used just below his simple menu on the leftside. The Inspiration page is filled with examples...I like the free images link!


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