Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Chapters 7,8, and 9 are beginning to give us a depth into the structure of content on a website combined with some tools used to organized and shape the way users find information.

Navigation systems should have a simple but balanced and flexible feel to them. Having no clutter helps the user to easily navigate to search for information. Some tools used by IAs are sitemaps and or site indexes which serve like a table of contents. Some companies prefer complex site maps putting information in simple groupings that make sense for thier products.

Inside the anatomy of a search the goal is to make whatever words the user types in the fields searchable and retreival (algorithms). The search interface design is used for this and if made with a more natural feel to common language then the greater chances the items received will match what the user wants.

Some platforms have limitations and the configuration of the search query isn't as user friendly as the user would like it to be. But if it is constructed correctly fitting the sites purpose then precise recall with pertinent results can occur for he user.

Some queries offer broad and narrow searches. But the glue that holds the searching together for optimal results for he user is a well constructed website that basically is structured and organized as a collection of interconnected systems that utilize controlled vocabularies and theasuri.

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