Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Week 6 - Lesson 6 Readings & Take Aways

Assigned : READINGS - This week, read Chapters 12 - 13 from the "polar bear" text.

Book: Information Architecture for the World Wide Web 3rd Edition, by Peter Morville and Louis Rosenfeld, ISBN 100596527349

(page 291)
Making the transition easy.

Creativity and Design:
(page 292)
concrete artifacts
working prototypes

"invisible web" but present in person face to face

(page 293)
Guidelines to document your Architecture:
1. Provide multiple views of an IA/too complex to show all at once, break it down into segments
2. Develop views for your audience/needs i.e. communicate upstream for corporate/stakeholders....communicate downstream for designers and developers

(page 294)
Communicate visually:
1. Content components/grouped and into a sequence so it makes sense to whom is viewing
2. Connections between content components

Create you own deliverables: Microsofts Viso or Omni Group's OmniGraffle for Mac users
A fascinating site offering different ways to present your IA information.

I bookmarked this site!

(page 295)
Has a great table of deliverables - by different companies...wireframe examples and help

"a picture is worth a thousand words"

(page 296)
Blueprints show relationships between pages and other content components of your IA

(page 297)
Figure 12-1 Has a great illustration of a blueprint (high-level)

(page 299)
Figure 12-4=blueprint outlining greeting card web site Egreetings.com = very nice example to see how this is working.

(page 302)

(Page 307)
They depict an individual page or template from an architectural perspective, how to order them,which groups have priority

(page 308)
Figure 12-11 has a great illustration of wireframe to the greeting card site.

(page 370)
Figure 12-14 has a great image of redesign project for the Egreetings.com/with high level detail. (very helpful these diagrams!)...again... more detail, explanation of the uniqueness of the content

(page 313)
Guidelines for wireframes:
-charting tools support background layers
-page numbers, page titles, project titles, last revision date
-wireframse steward

(page 323)
A Valuable /Process:
1. Content Modeling determines priority
2. " " forces us to choose metadata attributes
3. " " Pareto Principle 80-20 rule

(page 325)
Controlled Vocabularies
-helps you to walk clients through difficult decison making

(page 326)
-design sketches tool

(page 327)
-/figure 12-23 Basic Design sketch

(page 329)
Style Guides
-style guide document that explains how the site is organized, why, who it's for

(page 330)
-Standards:rules for maintaining site
-Guidelines: IA should be maintained
-Maintenance procedures: reg tasks for site survival

(page 331)
-Pattern library: documents and provides access to reusable aspects of the site's design

**Keep in mind the different audiences that might use the style guide.


Formal Education
Conferences and seminars
News and opinons

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