Monday, September 7, 2009

Week 3 - Lesson 3 - Review Websites

WEBSITES - review the following:

Rosenfeld Media/Search Analytics
- Luis Rosenfeld's site provides information on an emerging IA research topic known as "search analytics".

This site was easy on the eye right off. Has the article about the book (not published yet) in progress by Louis Rosenfeld and Marko Hurst=about all the unseen data behind the seen = IA. Logs that capture what the user is searching for. This kind of data helps the IA deterimine if the structure and labels are working well for the site or working against it.

Below is a blog about the new topic search analytics=about effective ways to measure site search strategies including an conference about it.

The colors and ease of the layout are so easy to the eye. I feel like I could look at the site for awhile and study each column, components and content without feeling overwhelmed about all the links available and the info inside them.


Wikipedia/Contextual Design
- Wiki's overview of another emerging IA research area known as "contextual design" (and contextual inquiry).

Contextual Design or CD=user-centered design process developed by Hugh Beyer and Karen Holtzblatt. It incorporates ethnographic methods for gathering data relevant to the product, field studies, rationalizing workflows, system and designing human-computer interfaces. In practice, this means that researchers aggregate data from customers in the field where people are living and applying these findings, into a final product. Contextual Design can be seen as an alternative to engineering and feature driven models of creating new systems.

Interesting, I just checked out a book on Work Modeling to research some information about workflow and the use of online tools such as blogs to help manage workflow.

Flow model=represents the coordination, interaction and responsibilities of the people in a certain work practice
Sequence model=represents the required steps to accomplish a certain activity
Cultural model=represents the norms, influences, and pressures that are present in the work environment
Artifact model =represents the documents or other products that are created while working. Artifacts often have a structure or styling that could represent the user's * Physical model - represents the physical environment where the work tasks are accomplished; often, there are multiple physical models representing, e.g., office layout, network topology, or the layout of tools on a computer display.


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